That friendly voice on the other end of the phone or the smiling face on the other side of the counter is Dick Reeves, Biro and Sons’ longtime Office Manager. He’s the one who keeps us running smoothly and makes sure that our most important people — our customers —stay happy.
We gave Dick a call to learn more about who he is and about his life at the shop.
Q: Tell us a bit about your background.
A: I’m from East Contra Costa County, where I grew up. I’ve lived in this area most my life, except when I went to college at the University of Oregon. I also served in the Peace Corps in West Africa for two years. I was a school teacher. After that, I worked for the Federal Government.
My passion, however, was freelance photography, which I did for many years. I did a lot of work for design agencies and traveled around the world taking pictures.
After I retired, I became friends with Martin Biro. We played soccer together, and then he asked me to work for them. The first thing I did for Biro & Sons was to photograph and create a catalog. I came into the shop and set up a little studio and spent a few days taking those photos. I’ve worked for the Biros ever since.
Q: When was that?
A: Probably in the late eighties. I was there when Rick started!
I like working there because I like the Biros. I like what they’ve done with the business. They’re very good at what they do.
Q: What do you do for the Biros now?
A: I’m one of two Office Managers. I answer the phones, greet guests at the counter, and coordinate things in the shop when clients bring something in or are picking up their piece. I try to make things easier for Rick and Martin. If I can make things go smooth and easy for them, I’ve done my job.
Q: What do you love most about working at Biro & Sons?
A: It’s a fascinating place; you never what’s going to come in the front door.
Q: Speaking of, what’s the most unique antique silver you’ve seen come in?
A: Somebody once brought in a shoebox, and inside was Sarah’s Chalice from a church in Carmel. (NEED INFO) And, of course, the big trophies that we’ve done like the America’s Cup and the Triple Crown Trophy. How many people can say they’ve carried the America’s Cup?
Q: What do you want everybody to know about Biro & Sons?
A: We do quality work. There are a lot of people out there who have antique silver and nobody to help them preserve it. That’s where Biro & Sons comes in.
Next time you call the shop or stop by in person, say hi to Dick!